Monday, March 15, 2010

Problems with commonly used waters.

Tap water
Tap water is better than buying soft drinks, but according to recent investigations, tap water in 42 states has been found contaminated with more than 140 unregulated chemicals that lack safety standards!

At the current levels of contamination, the public doesn't always trust tap water and believes that water from the tap isn't safe enough to drink. Based on these facts, it's no wonder that the demand for Kangen Water® is constantly increasing. It's healthier, it's cheaper and it tastes better.

Bottled water
Bottled water is not necessarily healthier than tap water and yet it costs much more! Although associated with healthy water, bottled water is not guaranteed to be any healthier than tap water. The only difference is the added minerals that have no proven health benefits.

Studies show that 1/3 of bottled water contains levels of contamination which exceed allowable limits. Add to that the fact that bottled water is usually acidic and has no antioxidant impact and you can draw your own conclusions very easily. And, we didn't even mention the environmental disaster caused by the production and disposal of plastic bottles.

Reverse osmosis water
This is a filtering process which may be effective in areas that do not receive municipally treated water. The problem with this process is that dangerous chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, and chlorine are molecularly smaller than water and can pass freely through its filter.

Another problem is that reverse osmosis removes healthy, naturally occurring water minerals. These minerals not only provide the good taste, they also serve a vital function in the body's system. When stripped of these minerals, water can be unhealthy. Add to that the fact that 2-3 gallons of water is wasted for every gallon of purified water that is produced and you can see why it can't be a serious alternative to Kangen Water®.

Kangen Water: How I Got Started

I was introduced to Kangen Water through Rickey Young, my friend and business mentor. Rickey happened to walk into the fitness club where I used to work and I was showing him around the gym. As I expressed to him my passion for fitness and healthy living, he randomly asked what type of water I generally drink. When I told him I drink bottled water and tap water he made a seemingly bizarre statement, and I quote: ‘Greg, I am about to totally change your life.’ As he described the benefits of Kangen Water and the importance of maintaining the pH level in your body, I began to see where he was going. After an informative conversation we exchanged contact information and went on our separate ways. Since he began coming to the gym on a regular basis, he was able to provide me with a gallon of 9.5 pH Kangen Water. As it turns out, the day Rickey gave me the water was the day I had come down with the H1N1 virus (Swine Flu). I left work early that morning since I felt so poorly, and I managed to drink the entire gallon of water he gave me. The next day, despite having acquired a fever of 102.9 the night before meeting Rickey, my symptoms were completely gone. It should be noted that a case of Mono during my younger years had completely wiped out my immune system; up until drinking Kangen Water for the first time, it generally took me twice as long as a “normal” person to fend off illnesses. I was amazed that I was feeling completely normal after one dose of this water, as I think most people would be. I was even able to get in one of the best workouts of my life that next day… That sort of thing just shouldn’t happen. But it did. For obvious reasons, I felt the need to call Rickey and thank him for the Kangen Water. I began seeing the bigger picture instead of writing my encounter with Rickey off as a random salesman trying to do his job. Rickey was following his passion of helping others improve their lives by improving their health. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time, and I’m so grateful for this opportunity. Everyone should have their own Kangen Water machine, hands down.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

pH in My Body

Few people have a general idea of what a pH level is and maybe even what the correct pH balance the human body needs to have in order to be healthy. On the other hand, most people don't have any idea of what pH even means and how important it is to our bodies. The human body needs to be at a pH balnce of 7.35 - 7.4 in order to operate the way it needs to. When this is acheived, the body is energized and completely hydrated. Now how many of us are actually at this point? Really not very many of us. The human body is 73% water and ur blood contain 90% water. In reality water is the most important thing we can put into our bodies, but it is the most neglected part of our health. Even all the foods we eat and drink are acidic. If we all did a pH test of bottled water it would come up with a pH of 5.9 or 6.0. Tap water would come up with 7.0, but that isonly because the Government mandates that all drinking water must have a 7.0 pH. What they don't tell you is that they make it 7.0 by pouring chemicals like chlorine in the water to nuetralize the toxins in the water supply. I don't know about you, but I definately don't want that in my body. By drinking this Kangen Alkaline Water, your body is going to get the cleanest water it can. This article will help you better understand how important it is for the body to be at the right pH balance.


Hello everyone and welcome to Alkaline Water and Your Health! I created this blog to help educate people on how important it is for the human body to have the correct pH balance. I received my degree from Wayne State University in Kinesiology; Sports and Exercise Science. Fitness and health have been a huge part of my life and I am very passionate about helping others in living a healthy and productive life. My goal is to have an area for everyone to come to in order to find out more about Alkaline Water and how this needs to be an essential part of our daily life. This is something I am very excited about!