Wednesday, March 10, 2010

pH in My Body

Few people have a general idea of what a pH level is and maybe even what the correct pH balance the human body needs to have in order to be healthy. On the other hand, most people don't have any idea of what pH even means and how important it is to our bodies. The human body needs to be at a pH balnce of 7.35 - 7.4 in order to operate the way it needs to. When this is acheived, the body is energized and completely hydrated. Now how many of us are actually at this point? Really not very many of us. The human body is 73% water and ur blood contain 90% water. In reality water is the most important thing we can put into our bodies, but it is the most neglected part of our health. Even all the foods we eat and drink are acidic. If we all did a pH test of bottled water it would come up with a pH of 5.9 or 6.0. Tap water would come up with 7.0, but that isonly because the Government mandates that all drinking water must have a 7.0 pH. What they don't tell you is that they make it 7.0 by pouring chemicals like chlorine in the water to nuetralize the toxins in the water supply. I don't know about you, but I definately don't want that in my body. By drinking this Kangen Alkaline Water, your body is going to get the cleanest water it can. This article will help you better understand how important it is for the body to be at the right pH balance.